Gaining weight during and after cancer treatment may have many reasons which, depending on the person, can be countered by following the guidelines given below. –
The Weight Gain may be attributed to fluid retention, which causes increased appetite owing to steroids or other drugs, or anxiety-induced hunger. Both may be dealt with by eating, the same meal schedule/dietary intake regularly.
Plant-based seasonal dietary choices of local produce enables the body’s metabolic activity to stabilize. Therefore, the amount of energy generated is also increased. Digestion is improved while providing satiety with greater energy generation, resulting in more productive physical activity.
1). The most important thing is to wake up on time after at least seven hours of sleep and to have breakfast by 9:00 a.m.
- Steamed Sprouts with Seasonal Vegetables and plenty of Lemon, Ginger, Green Chilli, and Coriander provide not just flavor but also nutritional value, aiding digestion and therefore energy generation.
- Mixed veggie Dalia/Poha are popular and simple breakfast choices. To enhance taste and nutrition, season with Sambhar powder, ideally homemade.
- Stuffed Roti may be substituted for Stuffed Parathas, and the fat used in the paratha can be balanced by spreading (half teaspoon) Ghee over Roti, one tiny teaspoon of White Butter, and a glass of Buttermilk.
- Breakfast may be served with tea, milk, or buttermilk, depending on personal preference and season.
- Fruits must be consumed either before or after breakfast, but shouldn’t cause a delay in breakfast.
2). Fruits should be consumed in between major meals rather than with or after them.
- During winter, seasonal fruits such as Guava, Black Grapes, and Strawberries should be consumed on a regular basis, while in the summer, Plums, Cherries, and Jamun should be consumed on a regular basis.
- All of the aforementioned are rich in fiber and antioxidants, as well as important nutrients for that season. In addition to the aforementioned fruits, year-round fruits such as apples, kiwis, and bananas may be consumed.
3) For lunch, a Seasonal Green Vegetable (200gms) should be served with a small potato and a large bowl of Cucumber/ Laukee/ Carrot Raita with one Black Chana-atta chapatti. Lunch should be had by 1.30 p.m. at the latest.
4) A half-hour nap, if feasible, refreshes the mind and body, and a fruit should be had about 4 p.m. to guarantee that a minimum of two seasonal fruits are consumed during the day.
5) A cup of tea with a handful of Dry Roasted Makhanas or Roasted Black Chana about 5 p.m. may assist to bridge the gap between two big meals.
6) For supper, a substantial bowl of Vegetable Soup with a gently buttered Multi-grain Slice is a wonderful choice. However, for added satiety and variety, Uttapam, Vegetable Idle with Coconut Chutney, Baked or boiled vegetables with a slice of multi-grain bread, and Moong Daal Chilla with Green Chutney may be substituted.
7). A cup of milk with two dates and four almonds is a wonderful way to finish the day with a good night’s sleep, as long as you start the evening with an early bedtime of 9:30.
Following cancer treatment, the immune system strengthens to help with the recovery. A Balanced Metabolism ensures that each of the bodily systems gets the energy they need to carry out their duties while also contributing to overall well-being.
- An abundant supply of fiber, macro-nutrients, and micro-nutrients is provided in a Plant-Based Micro-Nutrient Dense and not Calorie-Dense Diet plan to help you maintain healthy body weight.
- Eating on time, with a regular physical regimen and meditation practice, is the most important element in regulating bowel movement, along with a timed schedule.
- To assist combat inflammation, seasonal fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and whole-grain cereals are high in fiber.
- Nuts, seeds, and makhanas are excellent sources of calcium, iron, magnesium, and a wide variety of healthy fats, proteins, and other nutrients. Therefore, they should always be available to have as snacks rather than turning to unhealthy alternatives.
- To aid digestion, eat a pinch of rock salt and one-fourth teaspoon of Ajwan after lunch.
- Black salt and Roasted Jeera Powder are both excellent sources of calcium, therefore use them generously in the seasoning of vegetables and lentils.
The struggle that comes with cancer treatment and posts it, matches no other. It is imperative that you consume a nutritious diet and create a healthy gut environment to maximize the overall absorption in order to achieve your nutritional goals. You can also get in touch with the best oncology dietitian in Delhi who can help maintain and guide you with the right fitness goal.
Tapasya Mundhra is a Clinical Dietitian and Wellness Consultant based in Newark, USA, specializing in Nutrition for Weight Loss, Detox Diets, and Stress Management. With over 13 years of experience, she helps clients optimize their physical and mental well-being through personalized diet plans, moderate workouts, and holistic health strategies. Trusted by countless clients, she is dedicated to achieving sustainable health goals.