Do’s and Dont’s Of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a popular dietary aid for weight loss in a shorter period of time. A lot of health magazines promote this fasting program to promotes health, managing weight, and detoxing your body from damaging toxins.  What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent refers to fasting; not eating anything and only drinking water for at least 24…

Can The Green Mediterranean Diet Help You?

“Green Mediterranean Diet”, have you heard of it? Do you know what it means? To put it simply, the Green Mediterranean diet is a modified version of the classic Mediterranean diet. It encompasses fibrous plant-based foods, less red meat, and more plant-based protein. Researchers have extensively researched and found that the green Mediterranean diet is…

Are You Omega-3 Deficient? Look Out For These Signs!

Omega-3, we all have heard of it, but not all of us know how important it is for our body. Omega-3 deficiency can cause health issues. Let’s understand, the possible signs of omega-3 deficiency, how to determine the status of Omega-3, and how to increase the intake.  First things first, what is an Omega-3 fatty…

Mental Health And Physical Health Are Interconnected

Mental Health And Physical Health Are Interconnected

Your mind and body are undeniably interconnected, proven through the famous phrase “There is no health without mental health”. Consequently, the foremost step towards achieving physical and mental health always begins with an excellent diet, rest, and exercise. The activities and daily choices that you engage in affect both the way you feel physically and…